China unveils plan to introduce AI education in schools nationwide

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China has launched a national initiative to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) education into its school system, beginning at the primary school level.

The new plan outlines a progressive approach to AI learning, starting with basic introductions at the primary level, expanding into more advanced applications in middle school, and culminating in practical project development at the high school level, according to the Ministry of Education’s circular released on Tuesday.

As part of the plan, the ministry is encouraging partnerships between schools and innovation centers. Universities, research institutions, and technology companies are invited to help students gain access to AI labs and hands-on experiences in the field.

Earlier this year, 184 pilot schools were selected to experiment with various teaching methods for AI. These schools are tasked with creating curricula that incorporate AI and training teachers to deliver this new subject.

The ministry plans to expand the initiative to other schools in the future, with the goal of creating “replicable, large-scale teaching models” for AI education across the country.

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