China's Population Shrinks for Third Straight Year

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China’s population shrank for a third straight year in 2024, standing at 1.408 billion—a decline of 1.39 million compared to the previous year, China’s National Bureau of Statistics reported on Friday.

The birth rate rebounded slightly to 6.77 births per 1,000 inhabitants from 6.39 in 2023 (its lowest level since 1949), while the total number of deaths outnumbering births, the same source said.

In 2024, China recorded 9.54 million births versus 10.93 million deaths, adds the statistics bureau, noting that over 22% of the population, or 310.3 million people, are now aged 60 or over.

Rapid aging of China’s population is cautioned to be part of a wider regional trend, affecting nations which have seen their birth rates plummet like Japan and Korea.

It raises concerns about its socio-economic repercussions, including a shortage of working age people and increased pressure on the social welfare system.

This demographic decline is occurring despite the abandonment of the one-child policy in 2016. The rapid transformation of Chinese society, marked by increasing urbanization and deep societal changes, is influencing the decisions of young couples.

India has overtaken China in 2023 to become the world’s most populous country, according to United Nations estimates.

The post China's Population Shrinks for Third Straight Year appeared first on HESPRESS English – Morocco News.