Severe flooding hits Tindouf camps, prompting plight for urgent aid

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Heavy rainfall has led to severe flooding in the Dakhla camp of Tindouf’s refugee settlements, submerging hundreds of homes and forcing many families to flee. The Sahrawi Red Crescent has urgently called for international assistance as conditions deteriorate in the camps, where refugees face ongoing hardships.

The flooding has exposed the weak infrastructure of the region, raising questions about Algeria’s responsibility toward the refugees it hosts. Critics argue that despite Algeria’s stated support for the Sahrawi people, many refugees endure poor living conditions exacerbated by mismanagement of resources by the Polisario leadership.

Residents have reported abandoning their homes due to risks of collapse, seeking refuge on higher ground. This flooding marks the first such incident in years, highlighting the camps’ vulnerability. In response, the Polisario has distributed tents, blankets, and limited food supplies, yet the rebuilding of homes remains largely the responsibility of the refugees.

The isolation of the camps and inadequate logistical capabilities further hinder recovery efforts. The crisis also prompts scrutiny of the legal and political status of the camps. While Algeria offers minimal aid, the Polisario lacks legal authority to effectively manage the situation, leading to accusations of exploiting the crisis to solicit humanitarian aid, which is often misappropriated.

Mohamed Salem Abdel Fattah, head of the Sahrawi Observatory for Media and Human Rights, stated that the humanitarian crisis is severe, with many residents living in fragile shelters vulnerable to destruction from natural disasters. He emphasized that appeals for international assistance highlight the Polisario Front’s exploitation of these tragedies to extend its influence over the territory.

The situation raises further concerns about the role of the Algerian Red Crescent and allegations of humanitarian aid being misappropriated by both the Polisario and the Algerian army, underscoring the urgent need for effective intervention.

The post Severe flooding hits Tindouf camps, prompting plight for urgent aid appeared first on HESPRESS English – Morocco News.