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In shaking taxpayers down for arms money, any tactic is fair game, so a four-year-old terrorist murder is being repurposed
Get a load of Team Macron’s latest PR campaign: Rebranding the jihadist responsible for a high-profile terrorist attack in a Parisian suburb back in 2020 as “Russian.”
Turns out that the sister of that victim, Samuel Paty – the high school teacher murdered for teaching a freedom-of-speech class featuring satirical cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed (the same ones that led to gun-toting jihadists mowing down the Charlie Hebdo newsroom in 2015) – sounds like she’s not really enjoying the rewrite of her brother’s murder by French President Emmanuel Macron’s lapdogs who have been barking this hot take all across the media landscape.
“I am shocked to hear from the government spokeswoman that Russia’s role is engaged in the attack on my brother Samuel Paty, while nothing, during the entire investigation, has made it possible to make the slightest connection between the terrorist Anzorov, a refugee in France, and Russia,” Mickaelle Paty told Le Figaro. “The attack on my brother cannot serve the interests of the government’s foreign or political policy.”
Well, apparently it can! Because when it comes to keeping the tax cash-for-weapons party going amid the risk of peace breaking out in Ukraine as Moscow and Washington come to terms, nothing is too sacred or off limits.
“I remind you that Samuel Paty was assassinated by a Russian Chechen, and therefore, even in the area of terrorism, Russia’s role is engaged,” government spokesperson Sophie Primas said at a ministerial meeting on March 12. “So today, it’s about catching the French people, not scaring them, not manipulating them, but simply making them aware of the reality of the Russian threat, which is a real and serious threat.”
Yep, doesn’t look like a manipulation at all. Scaring the plebes is the name of the game right now. If only because shaking them down for more cash to spend on weapons to shore up the GDP when your economy is in the tank as a result of your anti-Russian policies would be a tough sell otherwise.
So what’s the reality here? Well, the 18-year-old terrorist who beheaded Paty with a machete and was eliminated by the authorities at the scene, had been living in France with his parents for 12 years. It emerged at trial that he had been radicalized online by jihadists in Idlib, Syria – specifically by HTS actors, the rebranded Al-Qaeda franchise now running Syria with Western support, and which recently dabbled in a bit of ethnic cleansing.
At trial, it was also revealed that the killer, Abdullah Anzorov, had been regularly in touch with the father of one of Paty’s students – the same father who had been throwing a fit over the cartoons on social media. His complaints were then amplified by a radical imam, already on police radar, who eagerly joined in, leading protests outside the school with the angry dad in tow. Then, Anzorov took it from there, you could say.
After the murder, he jumped on Twitter, proudly posted a graphic picture of what he had done, called out Macron for defending the cartoons, labeled the French president the leader of infidels, and declared that Paty was executed for insulting the Prophet.
At the time, Macron called it a “typical Islamist terrorist attack,” which was pretty obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.
No one cared that this kid’s parents happened to be from Russia – specifically, Chechnya – or that they had left for France over a decade earlier. Because, frankly, none of that mattered. Until now, apparently.
Enter Macron’s former interior minister, Gerald Darmanin – now also conveniently his handpicked justice minister in the current government of political parachutists who merely crash landed into their positions and were NOT selected from the anti-establishment parties that actually won the most seats or votes in last year’s national election.
On March 12, Macron’s golden boy debuted the new narrative. “Sometimes it’s the same thing, the Russian threat and the terrorist threat. Who are the people who killed Samuel Paty? These are Russian citizens, Chechens. When I was Interior minister, Russia has hundreds of Russian citizens that it does not want to take back… They are S-files, they are radicalized, they are Islamists, they are Russians. There is no doubt about it. And Russia has not taken them back.”
Uh, who let them into France in the first place, genius? Night clubs in the Marais district of Paris are apparently harder to get into with a sob story than France itself. For instance, all it took back in 2017 for France to open its arms and borders to Chechens was for them to claim homosexual persecution. Does a French border guard having to decide on the entry into the country of a gay jihadist work up more of a sweat than on an afternoon jog in a Parisian heatwave?
So, according to Team Macron, Russia and jihadist terrorism are now just… the same thing. Don’t worry about the details.
Ignore the fact that Russia has been fighting Islamic terrorism on its own soil for decades. Forget that, at least as far back as 2002, Russian security services were directly linking terrorist attacks on Russian territory to wealthy Middle Eastern backers – including during the infamous Moscow theater hostage crisis, when they said that Chechen jihadists were literally phoning contacts in the Persian Gulf mid-siege.
Even the FBI admitted that Russia’s intelligence services had warned Washington in 2011 about the terrorist risk posed by a couple of ethnic Chechen immigrants to the US and “adherents of radical Islam” – whose kids later bombed the Boston Marathon.
Also forget that Moscow was left to sweep up the absolute mess of jihadism left behind in Syria after the Pentagon and CIA filled the place with weapons and ‘trainee’ jihadists, under the guise of unseating former President Bashar Assad, who subsequently ended up chewing through their harnesses.
As far as propaganda goes, this isn’t a new technique. In 2016, the EU was cranking out documents and reports conflating the ISIS and Russian threats – even as Russia was doing the heavy lifting against ISIS in Syria. “Be aware of Russian and ISIS propaganda, warn foreign affairs MEPs,” the headline of a press release read.
But hey, when you’re desperate to justify draining your country’s treasury and hitting up citizens for a military spending spree like a kid trying to shake loose lunch money from dad, reality is just an inconvenience.
Uh, slight problem. The French public isn’t really buying it. According to an Elabe poll from earlier this month, 61% of French citizens still want the government to focus on reducing the deficit instead of setting fire to the budget with a military shopping spree. And that’s terrible news for one of Team Macron’s more ambitious funding ideas: Getting the French to invest their personal savings into financial schemes that would bankroll tanks and missiles, as Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu has floated. Because obviously, there’s no better way to use their nest eggs.
So now, in a desperate effort to shake down both taxpayers and the treasury, Team Macron has apparently decided to throw history in a blender, rebrand jihadists as just “Russian,” and hope that the French chug it right down.