WHO study sheds light on global maternal mortality crisis

Hemorrhage – severe heavy bleeding – and hypertensive disorders like preeclampsia are the leading causes of maternal deaths globally, according to a new study released today by the World Health Organization (WHO).

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Poor Air Quality Linked to AD Risk in Offspring

Prenatal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) at levels above 65 µg/m³ was associated with a sharp rise in atopic dermatitis (AD) in a birth cohort study. Medscape Medical News

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Asymptomatic AS: “Time to Act” or Not So Fast?

Early surgical or transcatheter aortic valve replacement is not typically recommended for severe aortic stenosis in the absence of symptoms, but some now argue that cumulative evidence warrants a change. Medscape Medical News

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Where Are All the Nurses?

Why do some states have an abundance of nurses, while others struggle with shortages? Data reveal disparities in nurse distribution across the United States. Medscape Medical News

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Deep Learning Enhances Temporal Bone CT Scans

A deep learning–based reconstruction algorithm significantly enhances temporal bone UHR-CT image quality, reducing noise and improving diagnostic precision, a study finds. Medscape News UK

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Low-Dose Minocycline Bests Doxycycline as Rosacea Rx

Patients with moderate to severe papulopustular rosacea have better outcomes with low-dose minocycline than with placebo and doxycycline, according to two randomized trials. Medscape Medical News

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